AI and Data Privacy

AI models are exploding. In virtually every industry, deep learning involves image processing, natural language processing, and recommendation systems. The ability of AI to use personal data that infringes on privacy rights is increasing,…

Where Infants Beat AI

It seems that infants can detect what motivates other people's actions, outperforming AI at the same task. A study performed by researchers at New York University shows the fundamental differences between cognition and computation and where…

On-Demand Genome Sequences

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) developed an innovative software tool to assemble complete (gapless) genome sequences from various species. Dubbed Verkko, “network” in Finnish, the tool makes creating the sequences…

3D Objects Created with Sound Waves

Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research and the Heidelberg University announced the creation of a new technology designed to assemble matter in 3D. They based their research on using multiple acoustic holograms to…

Quantum Signals Up, Noise Down

There’s some noise in every quantum system that can cause unavoidable errors. They typically use “parametric” amplification to “squeeze” or decrease the noise affecting one variable while increasing the noise that affects its conjugate…