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Pentagon Says No Aliens

A just-released report says Pentagon officials responsible for investigating and analyzing reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) claim they found no evidence of any confirmed sighting of extraterrestrial technology. The All-Domain…

James Webb Images in the Mail

Are you a space geek? It's hard not to be when we look at the wondrous images that the James Webb Space Telescope is sending back to Earth. Well, now you can honor JWST's achievements via the United States Postal Service. "With these…

NASA Funds New Laser Communications

NASA works with industry giants, private industry partners, and small businesses under Artemis (a mission back to the Moon aiming to develop a "long-term presence on the lunar surface) to achieve scalable, affordable, and advanced laser…

Lockbit Hackers Publish Boeing Data

Boeing's internal data from defense and space contractor Boeing was published online by the Lockbit cybercrime gang, which steals and releases data unless a ransom is paid. Boeing was given until November 2 to pay the ransom. The published…