The Designers Guide To Battery Compartments

A new designer's guide for battery compartments for 2017.

The guide contains design considerations for holders, battery hardware, contacts, materials and platings.

There are reviews of ensuring reliable contact, human factors engineering, ANSI-IEC specifications, ventilation/gas absorption, and battery contact stability.

Also included are product development strategies for technical creators, engineers and non-technical entrepreneurs wishing to create new battery enclosures and/or contacts.

Whenever designing a new product that will require a battery, there are always many critical decisions.

“What type of battery will this design require?” “How secure must the connection with the battery be?” “Will my product need to have the battery be easily replaceable, or is it more important that it never fails?”

Unfortunately, quite often these critical design decisions take place too late in the process to allow for an optimal solution – compromises are made that could have been avoided, had the battery solution not been an afterthought.

Source Memory Protection Devices

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