82% of Firms Want to Invest in AI But 50% are Unclear on Why and How to Implement It

London research company Orgvue claims that while businesses are increasing their AI investment, they’re also unclear on its impact and how to implement it. 82% of organizations have invested in AI, and another 33% say they will increase their investment by more than 50% this year.

Based on an international survey of 1,000 C-suite and senior decision makers at medium and large organizations, the report, Human-first, machine enhanced: the role of AI in workforce transformation, highlights the challenge.

Highlights of the survey include:

  • 61% of respondents said they expect AI to replace people in their organization
  • 41% say they think AI will completely disrupt their industry 
  • 69% said that AI will be the main driver of workforce transformation over the next three years
  • 48% are unsure how they will manage developments in AI to optimize its use

Similarly, 78% want the government to introduce stricter rules and regulations, 54% believe regulation has not kept up with the pace of investment in AI, and 70% think AI should be regulated immediately.

CEOs are confident AI will solve business challenges. The question remains: What value can AI bring, and how quickly can it realistically be embedded into everyday business operations?

CEOs should have a better understanding of how AI will truly impact the work their people do today, the skills their organization has, and how this may change over time.

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