MIKROE Unveils Open Source Solution for Hot-Plugging Hundreds of Click Boards into Linux Development
MikroElektronika (MIKROE), the embedded solutions company that dramatically cuts development time by providing innovative hardware and software products based on proven standards, today introduced ClickID, a hardware/software (HW/SW) open-source solution based on a one-wire device that enables hot-plugging of Click™ or any other mikroBUS™-compatible add-on peripheral boards to development boards running embedded Linux or similar OS.
ClickID brings a new level of automation and self-diagnosis to embedded tools. Integrating with Click boards™ on an embedded system facilitates more complex operations, allowing software to identify add-on board peripheral configurations. A ClickID demo library
https://github.com/MikroElektronika/mikrosdk_click_v2/tree/master/clicks/clickid is available on any MIKROE development system.

This versatile example demonstrates how to read, write, and process data from the ClickID. The entire application code and ready-to-use projects can be easily installed from NECTO Studio Package Manager,
downloaded from LibStock™ or found on MKROE’s GitHub account.
For Linux-based systems like BeaglePlay®, ClickID simplifies the addition and operation of peripheral add-on boards. ClickID communicates with the operating system kernel using the 1-Wire protocol, enabling automatic recognition of silicon ICs on add-on boards. It delivers manifest files to the operating system, facilitating the loading of appropriate drivers for
interfaces such as SPI, I2C, UART, PWM, and ADC.