Samsung Hires New Spokesperson—Grandma

Whenever a new gadget comes out, young people adopt and understand it first. Samsung’s new spokesperson may turn that on its head. Meet Samsung’s Grandma Fluencer.  

Influencers sway the buying public by being young, in-your-face, and passionate. To advertise its new WindFree air conditioning unit, Samsung hired a grandma. The company believes air conditioners have changed, “even for those who are most resistant.” So, here’s Grandma explaining to her Gen-Z family member that the world has changed, and she is now at the forefront. As the ad drifts into action movie references and feats, the granddaughter asks: “Can you sell it like a regular YouTuber?” Grandma even manages to persuade the Gen-Z audience.

Older people today are far more familiar with modern technology and the principles behind its creation—they grasp new gadgets faster and embrace trends more readily. This makes sense since the older generations invented so much of the ubiquitous technology today. Our technology leaders are in their 60s, not exactly on the young side of middle age.

It will be interesting to see what Grandma is promoting at Samsung next.

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