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Why WiFi 6?

WiFi has been shown to be versatile, fast, and easy for most consumers. It links computers, phones, tablets, televisions, alarms, and rudimentary home control. It is accessible at cafés and available in hotels and cruise ships. As a bonus,…

Would You Ride With Johnny Cab?

AI is getting a lot of attention these days, mainly as it is applied to many applications. Continuing stories about Microsoft’s ChatGPT and ImageGPT create human-like creations that are hard to believe and pose new issues for us to grapple…

Soft Robots for Agility

Untethered soft robots mechanically adapt to their surroundings and tasks and are becoming more agile and controlled. Cornell University researchers led by Kirstin Petersen, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering,…

50-Meter Laser Experiment Sets Record

Where’s Guinness when you need him? It happened at UMD’s Energy Research Facility—Physics Professor Howard Milchberg and his team transformed a hallway into a laboratory. In anticipation of the experiment, they covered all shiny surfaces to…