Watch: Augmented Switching For Si To SiC Transition

Explore the Edge of Power Electronics with Silicon Carbide and Augmented Switching with Microchip Technology Application Engineer Ehab Tarmoom.

Dive into the fascinating world of power electronics as we compare silicon with the game-changing silicon carbide (SiC) technology. Silicon carbide stands out for its remarkable ability to switch at incredibly high speeds, offering 100 volts per nanosecond compared to silicon’s 5-10 volts per nanosecond. This leap in performance introduces both exciting opportunities and new challenges in circuit design.

However, the increased speed comes with its risks, including the potential for a 100-volt overshoot with SiC, which could overstress and damage devices. Precision and caution are more crucial than ever.

Enter Augmented Switching. Augmented Switching allows for smoother transitions when driving MOSFETs, offering programmable intermediate steps in voltage and timing. This innovation drastically reduces overshoot, minimizes ringing, and enhances EMI performance, ensuring safer and more efficient power management.

With augmented switching, you’re no longer juggling multiple gate resistors. Instead, you gain precise control over your switching processes, mitigating the risks associated with fast switching and unlocking the full potential of silicon carbide technology.

Join us as we explore how this cutting-edge approach is shaping the future of electronics. Whether you’re a seasoned engineer or just curious about the next big thing in tech, this deep dive into the heart of power electronics has something for everyone.

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