Would You Rather Deal with a Human or an AI?

ChatGPT and various other AI applications are proliferating, and many businesses are evaluating how artificial intelligence can benefit their employees and themselves. Resume Genius recently surveyed 1,000 employees to examine issues, attitudes, and feelings toward AI and predicting its impact in the workplace.

The survey found that 69% of respondents fear losing their job due to the growth of AI, and 74% predict that the technology will make human workers obsolete. 37% believe AI will reduce the number of available job opportunities. Many also use the programs at their jobs and see potential advantages. 82% of users said they tried ChatGPT or other AI programs, and 86% thought that employers using the technology could enhance the recruitment process.

More surprisingly, one in four workers said they were willing to interact with AI in their workplace instead of humans. In fact, 34% of respondents working in the business and finance industry were “very much” willing to experience such an interaction. However, 1 in 10 participants earning less than $25,000 declared they weren’t at all willing to interact with AI at work instead of humans.

The survey found that higher education levels and higher income correlate with higher trust in the advantages of AI development, and those with lower incomes and a lower education level are more skeptical.

What’s interesting is another recent survey found that 9 out of 10 companies want employees with ChatGPT experienceResumeBuilder.com surveyed more than 1,000 business leaders, finding that 92% were currently hiring and 91% wanted workers with ChatGPT experience. 30% of business leaders hiring workers with ChatGPT experience said the need was urgent, and two-thirds (66%) said the skill would give the company a competitive edge.

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