Another robot vies for fastest Rubick’s Cube solving record, solves in under 1 second

Earlier this month a hobbyist duo, Jay Flatland and Paul Rose, created a robot that broke the world record for fastest time to solve a Rubick’s Cube.

But just before that, a man created a robot that nobody heard about. One that could actually solve a Rubick’s Cube in under one second — 0.887 seconds to be exact.

Sub1 in action. (Image via Albert Beer)
Sub1 in action. (Image via Albert Beer)

The Sub1, as the robot is called, developed by industrial engineer Albert Beer, took a few hundred hours to construct, build, program and tune and will now have to be investigated and approved by Guinness World Records.

So how did Sub1 solve a Rubick’s Cube that quickly?

“The solution was handed over to an Arduino-compatible microcontroller board that orchestrated the 20 moves of six high performance steppers,” said Beer. “Only 887 milliseconds after the start button had been hit Sub1 broke a historic barrier and finished the last move in new world record time.”

Check it out for yourself in the video below.

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