Wi-Fi Connected Lighting System Works Like The Sun To Wake You Naturally

California-based company called Ario that designs and builds hardware and software that uses lighting to help people live healthier lives, has just developed a Wi-Fi connected lamp and lighting system that learns about your habits, syncs your body clock, and uses natural lighting patterns to help you stay healthy.

Ario's lights can be adjusted to wake you up naturally. (Image via Ario/Kickstarter)
Ario’s lights can be adjusted to wake you up naturally. (Image via Ario/Kickstarter)

Ario is different from indoor lighting that remains static and unnatural, and instead, mimics the light emitted from the sun.

Ario employs LED technology to change light’s direction and color throughout the day. The system can track your times and settings to produce the light you’re looking for when you turn it on.

The system can also be integrated into other smart home kits. and can be controlled from your smartphone.

The company created Ario to help people wake up with sunrise-like lighting. According to their the blue-rich lighting they employ helps increase focus and productivity and the amber lighting helps relax at night.

How it works

The company created Ario  for easy set-up and use. A user must plug the Ario lamp into the wall, connect it to Wi-Fi and download the smartphone app. Then Ario will track your daily routines and evolve over time. The lamp works automatically, so even if it hasn’t been plugged in for weeks or if the Wi-Fi is down, it will still act accordingly.

The company is currently running a Kickstarter campaign to raise production funds for Ario. If interested, you can pre-order one for 50% of the retail price at $199.

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