This Toilet Technology Removes The Embarrassing Odor From Your Bathroom

While healthy bowel movements are normal and even medically encouraged, they do leave behind quite an odor. Sometimes that odor can be embarrassing and not even the world’s best air-fresheners can cover it up.

The Odorless Fan aims to remove smell from your bathroom. (Image via Odorless/Kickstarter)
The Odorless Fan. (Image via Odorless/Kickstarter)

An entrepreneur duo teamed up with some New Zealand engineers to invent a toilet gadget that removes the odor after bathroom use. The Odorless  eliminates toilet odor and the micro-organisms found in that odor in order to create a more hygienic and odor-free bathroom.

The entire Odorless system consists of a fan, battery control station, filter, proximity sensors, and operational LEDs.

How it works

While you’re going to the bathroom, the odor is pulled through the overflow-vent pipe inside your toilet which is connected to water holes under the rim. The odor, along with all of the bacteria and organisms in it, are forced through an Activated Carbon Filter which traps in poor smelling, unhealthy, and microscopic particles you breathe in, transforming it into clean and odorless air.

The Odorless Fan aims to remove smell from your bathroom. (Image via Odorless/Kickstarter)
The Odorless Fan aims to remove smell from your bathroom. (Image via Odorless/Kickstarter)

The Odorless fan  has a similar design to that of a turbine jet engine in order to powerfully force the induction of air which is important to ensure the smell from the bowl is properly pulled through the overflow-vent pipe and forced through the carbon filter.

The smell-removing gadget is fully automated so the proximity sensor will turn the fan on and off only when you need it.

The system’s control panel contains both the proximity sensor and status LEDs, which indicate when your filter or NiMh battery needs to be changed.

According to the company, the Odorless device can be installed in just about five minutes.

The Odorless team has launched a Kickstarter campaign in order to raise production funding. Currently you can pre-order an Odorless for half the future retail price at $89. Expected delivery time is just in time for the holidays.

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