Governments Shifting Towards EVs

It seems everyone is jumping on the electric vehicle bandwagon. Major commitments have been coming out of automakers for their next wave of model battery electric vehicle (BEV) introductions. BlueWeave Consulting predicts that in the coming…

Exoskeletons can strain the brain

According to a study recently published in the journal Applied Ergonomics, exoskeletons worn by workers on assembly lines or in warehouses to alleviate stress on their lower back, may compete with valuable brain resources. The study…

Thank the algorithm and bet on the drone

Human professional drone pilots are expert at using drones in search and rescue, building inspection, cargo delivery—applications where speed is critical. The drone’s limited battery life means that no matter what they face-- going through…

Quantum light can be mastered

Scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory propose that modulated quantum metasurfaces can control all properties of photonic qubits. If true, the breakthrough may impact quantum information, communications, sensing and imaging, and…

When autonomous tiny drones swarm

It’s all about practical applications and the researchers found a good one—autonomous gas source localization. Simply, rapidly finding gas leaks in a large building or industrial site without risking human firefighters. The researchers…