X-ray vision, detects hidden pedestrians, cyclists

Autonomous vehicles can now track running pedestrians hidden behind buildings, and cyclists behind larger cars, trucks, and buses. Based on x-ray style vision that penetrates through to pedestrians in blind spots and to detect cyclists obscured by fast-moving vehicles, the iMOVE Cooperative Research Centre-funded project collaborating with the University of Sydney’s Australian Centre for Field Robotics and Cohda Wireless just released findings in a final report.

The technology’s applications involve intelligent transportation systems called cooperative or collective perception (CP). Using roadside ITS information-sharing units and additional sensors such as cameras and lidar, vehicles can share what they ‘see’ with others using vehicle-to-X (V2X) communication.

Another experiment demonstrated technology’s ability to safely interact with walking pedestrians based on perception information provided by the roadside ITS station.

Original Release: Eureka Alert

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